Chronic Disease Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic Disease Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis

blog Medication Assistance Prescription Assistance Prescription Assistance Program

According to the Arthritis Foundation, 1.5 million Americans struggle with rheumatoid arthritis every day. At Simplefill, we understand the toll that this disease can take on affected patients inflicting a near-constant pain throughout everyday life.

Typically, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are most active during the morning. The effects are most dominant on the hands and feet, sparking joint pain that can erode bones and even lead to joint disfigurement.

Rheumatoid arthritis is unpredictable. Many patients suffer from flares, which is the term used to describe bursts of pain. Sometimes flares last for half a day, or they can linger for months. The pain and stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis greatly affects patients and can lead to chronic discomfort and a reduced quality of life.

Although the disease has no cure, there are Rheumatoid arthritis medications that can make the disease more bearable. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids reduce inflammation and relieve pain, while disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs lessen the risk of permanent damage. Many patients also use immunosuppressants, since rheumatoid arthritis can degrade the immune system.

Prescription treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is vital to prevent the illness from taking over a patient’s life. However, for the under and uninsured, accessing medications for Rheumatoid arthritis treatment can feel financially impossible.

Simplefill exists to provide Americans with the medications they need to live happy, healthy lives. We are proud to advocate for those without health insurance and have the skills and knowledge to utilize complex Prescription Assistance programs to provide our members with free or reduced prescriptions. If you’re suffering from rheumatoid arthritis but can’t afford treatment, apply to join our program today. We will provide you with affordable access to a range of pharmacological treatments that will bring you on the path to a better life.

Help Paying For Prescription Drug Medications

Help Paying For Prescription Drug Medications

blog Help My Meds Medication Assistance Prescription Assistance Program

Too often good health comes with a price. Our health is something we take for granted until we lose it. Then the cold truth hits home, and it may seem like without a full insurance plan, good health is downright unattainable. At Simplefill, we understand losing your health is a big enough challenge and the added financial obligations should not burden you more.

According to the Mayo Clinic, more than 70 percent of American citizens use prescription medication every day. There is no “formula” that determines who needs regular medical attention. People of all ages and backgrounds are affected by health issues, and proper medication can be the difference between unbearable and manageable pain, between a worsening condition or treatment, and even between life and death.

For under or uninsured Americans, the cost of prescription medication isn’t just expensive: it can be impossible. If you are one of these people, remember you aren’t alone. There is a solution, and that solution is Simplefill, an advocacy group committed to providing patients with access to affordable medications.

Simplefill was formed on the belief that access to good health should be available to everyone, not just those with strong insurance plans. We are proud to provide our members with assistance paying for prescription drug medication, and support hundreds of patients each month. We provide a link between qualified patients and Prescription Assistance Programs (PAPs), which can radically reduce the cost of medications.

If you are part of a prescription drug plan that you cannot afford, then apply to join our program today. Simplefill offers support and a strong knowledge of the medical industry to ensure you can get the medication you need – without going into debt in the process.

Free or Low Cost Prescription Medication Options

Free or Low Cost Prescription Medication Options

blog Help My Meds Medication Assistance Prescription Assistance Prescription Assistance Program

According to the National Health Council, an estimated 133 million Americans (45% of the country’s total population) are living with a chronic disease or health issue. Illnesses not only make everyday life more complicated, but they also create a major financial strain for patients.

Many uninsured or underinsured Americans are faced with three options: Go into debt paying for treatment they can’t afford, go untreated, or settle for subpar medications. The first choice leads to financial hardship, the second two can lead to worsening symptoms and even death.

There is good news. Free or low cost prescription medication options are available, and Simplefill is driven to provide as many people with the medication they need.

Prescription Assistance Programs (PAPs) are offered by pharmaceutical companies to provide qualified patients with affordable treatment options. However, the system is complex, and many patients miss out on low cost prescriptions because they don’t know how to navigate each PAP.

Simplefill is an advocacy group providing low income prescription assistance to patients across the country. We guide patients throughout the process to ensure they get access to the medications they need at a fraction of the cost. By offering expert advice, tailored support, and a knowledgeable customer service network, Simplefill aims to provide a “simple solution to a complex problem.”

Patients should not have to forfeit their health due to limited or lack of a prescription coverage. To get access to the free or low cost medications you deserve, fill out our application or chat with one of our representatives to get started. If you have any questions, we’re just a phone call, email, or live chat away to talk you through the process. Simplefill takes the hardship out of staying healthy, and we’re proud to help hundreds of patients every month. Join us today!

Chronic Disease Series: Prostate Cancer

Chronic Disease Series: Prostate Cancer

blog Cancer Assistance Medication Assistance Prescription Assistance Program

According to the American Cancer Society, one in seven men are expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014. However, with proper treatment and medication, recovery is possible. Over 2.5 million American men diagnosed with prostate cancer have survived.

The prostate, found in males, is located below the bladder in front of the rectum. Changes to the shape and size of gland cells is typically what causes prostate cancer. Routine screenings are the strongest method of prostate cancer prevention. Early detection can be the difference between a treatable illness and a terminal one. The two most common screening are a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test or a digital rectal exam (DRE), which monitor changes to the prostate.

Treatment of prostate cancer is varied and depends upon the diagnosis of the individual patient. Hormone treatment lowers the growth of prostate-specific antigens in the blood, which slows or halts the disease’s progress. Other prostate cancer treatment options such as surgery, radiation therapy, or immunotherapy have also provided lifesaving solutions.

Prostate cancer is a frightening diagnosis, but there are solutions in place. These treatments are often costly, and for the under or uninsured, they can be a nightmare. Many patients are faced with a double edged sword: They can play with fate and go untreated, or go into debt to get the medical attention they deserve.

Simplefill believes no patient should face this dilemma. We represent underinsured and uninsured Americans who cannot afford their prescribed medications, supplying them with resources and support to ensure they get the treatment they need. We provide hundreds of Americans with access to their needed prescriptions each month, and we are proud to count prostate cancer patients among those we have assisted.

Prostate cancer is a stressful diagnosis, and the situation should not be escalated by the cost of treatment. Apply now  to become a part of the Simplefill community, and join us on the path towards better health today.

Three Tips for Fighting Arthritis in Cold Weather

Three Tips for Fighting Arthritis in Cold Weather


When cold weather comes along, almost every arthritis patient can feel it in their bones. The plummeting temperatures exacerbate joint pain and stiffness, instantly taking a toll on one’s quality of life. Simplefill offers a few simple tips that will provide arthritis treatment in the coldest months, keeping your physical and mental health intact throughout the year.

Stay Active Indoors

Exercise has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of natural arthritis treatment, strengthening muscles and providing pain relief. But don’t let your routine suffer because of the cold weather. The activity will get your blood pumping, providing your body with the warmth and energy it needs to combat the low temperatures. If you have arthritis, adjust your routine to remain indoors. Stretch while watching television, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or sign up for a yoga or aerobics class. These actions will keep your body healthy… Without taking a toll on your joints.

Keep Warm Drinks within Arm’s Reach

Fluids are important for your well-being and your joints. Staying regularly hydrated flushes out toxins and keeps the body energized, minimizing the pain caused from arthritis. During cold weather, fluids can also provide a way to warm up: Drink your favorite tea or eat soup, and feel your body get comfortable in the process. This natural arthritis treatment will relieve tension and provide comfort.

Dress in Warm Clothing

Keep a pair of warm gloves or mittens and a hat in your car at all times. Should a cold front sneak up on you, it’s important to keep your hands and your head warm; this will ensure that the rest of your body stays cozy, too. If you have arthritis is your fingers, it is especially important to keep your extremities as warm as possible at all times.

Arthritis and cold weather don’t have to be a disastrous pairing. Simplefill is proud to provide the tips and resources you need to stay healthy all year long. In order to fight arthritis symptoms, Simplefill works to offer patient assistance for medications and help under-insured Americans pay for prescription drug medication. Contact us for more information.

Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy


Simplefill cares about your good health. In honor of American Heart Month, we are offering four heart health tips that are easy to integrate into your lifestyle. The best part? They’ll keep you healthy and strong.

Get Your Body Moving

Aerobic exercise, which raises your heart rate, is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. American Heart Association recommends at least at least 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week to keep your heart healthy. Regular aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming, reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 60 percent.

Embrace Heart-Healthy Eating Habits

The foods with which you fuel your body impact the health of your heart. Stay away from sugary drinks, refined grains, and processed meats, which are typically loaded with trans-fats, cholesterol, and saturated fats. Instead, reach for these heart-healthy foods: whole grains, salmon & tuna, almonds & walnuts, spinach & carrots, and even dark chocolate. Mayo Clinic explains that a good rule of thumb is to eat as many fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains as possible… And to avoid processed foods at all costs.

Give your Body the Shut-Eye it Needs

According to the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, insufficient sleep increases the risk of heart disease. Adults need seven to eight hours of shut-eye each night to get adequate rest, and children require nine or more hours. Getting enough sleep doesn’t just improve the health of your heart; it also improves moods, boosts energy levels, and strengthens the immune system

Maintain a Healthy Weight

According to the American Heart Association, obese and overweight people are significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who are a healthy weight. Speak to your physician to determine whether your weight is putting your heart at risk.

In addition to these helpful tips, Simplefill offers affordable and accessible prescription medication to help with heart conditions. We are proud to prescription assistance programs for uninsured and underinsured Americans. Contact us for more information about how to get free or low cost prescription medication.

Important Medicare Dates You Need to Know for 2014

Important Medicare Dates You Need to Know for 2014

blog Medication Assistance News

If you have Medicare, get your calendars ready! These important dates will keep you organized and ensure that you enjoy all of your coverage benefits; Simplefill has gathered these dates to keep you prepared:  

January 1

Starting the first day of 2014, your Medicare insurance plan goes into effect. Any changes made by you or Medicate to your plan started on New Year’s Day.

January 1 – February 14

This is the Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period. During this time you can:

  • ·         Drop your Medicare Advantage Plan
  • ·         Switch to Original Medicare
  • ·         Enroll in a Medicare Cost Plan
  • ·         Add a Medicare prescription drug plan (if you switched to Original Medicare)

October 1-15

Set aside time to compare different Medicare health plans to see which one best meets your needs. Doing research in advance will help you evaluate your alternatives.

October 15 – December 7

This is Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period. During this period, you can:

  • ·         Change your Medicare health insurance or prescription drug coverage for 2015
  • ·         Join or drop a Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, or Medicare Cost plan

If you don’t wish to make any changes to your Medicare coverage, your plan will remain the same in 2015. It isn’t necessary to enroll if you are keeping your plan the same.

January 1 – December 31

People turning 65 can enroll in the Medicare Part D plan for the current year. If you’re a Medicaid recipient, you can make changes or enroll in the Medicare Part D plan for the current year.

Mark these dates on your calendar to take advantage of your Medicare coverage. If you have any questions about your prescription drug services under Medicare, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team. 

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2014

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2014


The New Year is a new opportunity to enhance your health and well-being. When you pledge to stand by Simplefill’s set of New Year’s Resolutions, you’ll be on the path to a healthy and happy 2014!

Wash Your Hands

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, washing your hands is one of the most pivotal ways to avoid getting sick. Make sure the water is warm, and sing “Happy Birthday” twice through (for about 30 seconds) to ensure your hands are germ free.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

There’s a reason breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. This year, pledge to eat healthy by eating a protein-rich breakfast. Not only will it give you an energy boost to kick start the day, but it will also curb cravings and help you resist the urge to snack.

Get Moving

Take a 15 to 20 minute walk after dinner each night. This health tip will prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking and keep diabetes at bay.

Stay Hydrated

Get a water bottle that you can take on-the-go. According to the Mayo Clinic, men should consume about 3 liters of water daily, and women should set their sights on 2.2 liters. By staying hydrated, you’ll help your body carry nutrients and flush out toxins.

Strengthen Your Bones

Are you getting 200 mg of calcium per day? Whether drinking milk or taking vitamins, this is a key way to ensure your bones are staying strong.

Invest in SPF Moisturizer

Sunscreen isn’t just for the beach. Invest in a daily facial moisturizer that contains at least SPF 15. SPF moisturizers help prevent wrinkles and reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Get That Shut-Eye

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night. A good night’s rest can prevent a number of health issues, including depression, obesity, and heart problems.

Armed with these tips, you can charge into 2014 with the confidence of building a healthy, happy, and successful year. Contact us today for more information on Simplefill and our services!