5 Heart-Healthy Habits for American Heart Month

5 Heart-Healthy Habits for American Heart Month


Did you know February is American Heart Month? While it’s important to practice heart-healthy habits all year long, February is the perfect month to start prioritizing your heart health by implementing these habits into your routine.

Take a Daily Walk

Starting an exercise routine doesn’t have to be a huge chore. For now, you can skip the gym membership and complicated lifting regimen and just try to take a walk every day. Tie in your walk with something you do every day so that it’s easy to keep up the habit. If the weather is keeping you from walking, try heading to a big box store or the mall to do your walking indoors.

Try Meditating

While you may be picturing someone sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floor and chanting, meditating can be casual and fun. Plus, meditating can help alleviate stress, which can exacerbate many heart problems like high blood pressure and heart disease. Don’t know how to get started? There are some great meditation apps for your phone that offer short guided meditations and meditation reminders.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

You already know that eating healthier contributes to heart disease prevention but starting to eat healthier can also be overwhelming. Unless your doctor has expressly forbidden certain foods, try getting into better diet habits by eating more fruits and vegetables rather than restricting yourself from foods you love. This is a natural and non-intrusive way to start changing your diet for the better.

Get a Good Night’s Rest

The importance of a good night’s rest is obvious but actually making it happen can be hard. Try healthy sleeping habits like turning off screens an hour before bed, implementing a relaxing sleep routine, and choosing a nightly bedtime and sticking to it. If you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to use your CPAP machine, as untreated sleep apnea can be detrimental to your heart health.

Follow the Doctor’s Orders

One of the best ways to keep your heart healthy is to follow the doctor’s orders, including everything from maintaining diet restrictions and exercise requirements to making sure you’re taking your heart medications as prescribed. If you’re having trouble affording your pills, Simplefill Prescription Assistance has programs to help pay for medications. In fact, we offer financial assistance for eligible heart medications likes Diovan, Effient, Isordil, Plavix, and Toprol XL. We also provide plenty of resources to help you navigate the health care system and live a healthier life, including our guide to the 2019 Medicare Part D changes and these tips for dealing with chronic medical issues while on Medicare.

If you’re having trouble affording your prescriptions for any reason at all, start an application online or call us at 1.877.386.0206 and a Simplefill Advocate will respond within 24 hours.

Suicide Prevention Week: 4 Things You Need to Know About Crisis Intervention & Support

Suicide Prevention Week: 4 Things You Need to Know About Crisis Intervention & Support


Note: If you or someone you know is in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

September 9-15 is National Suicide Prevention Week, which is why we’re outlining a few tips for how you can help prevent suicide throughout the year.

1.    Know the Warning Signs

While there’s no single cause for suicide, there are prominent warning signs to look out for if you suspect someone might be suicidal.

  • Negative talk, including making comments about wanting to die, expressing overwhelming hopelessness, stating that they have no reason to live, expressing concern that they’re a burden to others, or referring to unbearable pain
  • A sudden change of behavior, including increased drinking and drug use, researching methods for suicide, preoccupation with violence and death, withdrawing from people and activities, sleep pattern changes, doing risky or self-destructive things, giving away prized possessions, contacting people to say goodbye
  • Moodiness or frequently displaying negative emotions, including depression, anxiety, irritability, shame, anger, or sudden improvement or relief
  • Environmental and historical factors, including prolonged stress, financial crisis, exposure to another person’s suicide, previous suicide attempts, a family history of suicide, or childhood abuse

2.  Ask Hard Questions

If you suspect someone might be suicidal, one good course of action is to ask them if they are considering suicide. By being direct, you’ll communicate that you’re willing to discuss suicide in a supportive, unbiased, and non-judgmental way. You can also ask the individual how they’re hurting and how you can help. While it can be hard to hear about other’s pain, it’s important to listen to their specific answers and help them focus on their own reasons for living, not your personal reasons for living.

3.  Remove Immediate Threats

Once you know that someone is suffering from suicidal ideation, it’s important to find out if they’re in immediate danger. You can do this by asking if they’ve already done anything to try to kill themselves, if they’ve determined how they would kill themselves, if there is a specific time they’re planning on doing it, and if they’ve already taken steps toward this goal. Studies have shown that if you can reduce a suicidal person’s access to their intended method, you can drastically decrease their chances of killing themselves by that method, and even other methods.

4. Provide Helpful Options

For many, financial hardship or a lack of insurance creates another barrier for seeking help. If someone you know is suffering from depression or suicidal ideation, try providing a list of therapy options or detailed information about anti-depressants that might benefit their condition. Even small barriers, like having to make a phone call to schedule the appointment, might prevent them from seeking help. So, if you’re able, offer to do so for them.

Financial concerns can be another barrier to seeking help. At Simplefill, we’re committed to making prescribed medications more affordable to our members. Some Simplefill eligible medications, including Cymbalta, Pristiq, Trintellix, Biibryd, Fetzima, and Symbyax can be helpful in treating depression. Just knowing how Simplefill works can help reassure individuals who are afraid they shouldn’t seek treatment because it isn’t financially viable.


Simplefill: Why We Decided to Help Provide Medication Assistance

Simplefill: Why We Decided to Help Provide Medication Assistance

Help My Meds Medication Assistance Prescription Assistance

Many Americans are facing an impossible choice: Should they go into debt to get the medications they need, or should they risk their lives to spare their wallet? At Simplefill, we don’t believe anyone should have to struggle with this dilemma. Americans are feeling crippled by the escalating price of medications and they don’t know where to turn. Simplefill offers a solution with our response to increasing medical costs.

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4 Tips for Sound Sleeping As You Age

4 Tips for Sound Sleeping As You Age


As you age, a good night’s sleep can feel elusive. But getting enough shut-eye is also vital to your health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it’s important for adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to optimize their mental and physical health.

If you’ve been having sleeping trouble, let SimpleFill help you find a solution! We’ve compiled 4 sleeping tips to provide you with a good night’s rest that will leave you feeling restored and ready to face the day.

1. Make Your Bed A Sleep-Only Space
If you watch TV, read a book, or lounge in your bed before sleeping, it’s time to cut the habit. Train your brain to consider your bed as a space for sleep, rather than a spot to relax. Only head into the bedroom when you’re ready to turn off the lights and leave leisure activities for other parts of the home.

2. Eliminate Distractions
If you’re wondering how to beat insomnia, you’ll find that devices are often the biggest culprit standing in your way. Make your bedroom a TV-free space, and try to keep away from other electronic devices at night like smart phones and tablets.

3. Keep Alcohol and Caffeine out of Your Evening Routine
Say goodbye to nightcaps or late-night coffees if you have a sleeping problem. Studies have found the consumption of alcohol before bed results in a disruptive sleep, particularly during the second half of your slumber. As a result, you’re more apt to wake up in the middle of the night and have a fitful sleep.

4. Boost Your Body’s Melatonin Levels Naturally
Melatonin, the hormone that makes you tired, is disrupted by artificial lights. To improve sleep, shut off your television and computer an hour before heading to bed and, where possible, outfit your home with low-wattage bulbs. Exposure to sunlight is also vital to keeping your melatonin levels strong.

Every day is easier to face after having a good night’s rest. Learn how to sleep better with these tips from SimpleFill, and read our other blog posts for helpful health information!

Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy


Simplefill cares about your good health. In honor of American Heart Month, we are offering four heart health tips that are easy to integrate into your lifestyle. The best part? They’ll keep you healthy and strong.

Get Your Body Moving

Aerobic exercise, which raises your heart rate, is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. American Heart Association recommends at least at least 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week to keep your heart healthy. Regular aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming, reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 60 percent.

Embrace Heart-Healthy Eating Habits

The foods with which you fuel your body impact the health of your heart. Stay away from sugary drinks, refined grains, and processed meats, which are typically loaded with trans-fats, cholesterol, and saturated fats. Instead, reach for these heart-healthy foods: whole grains, salmon & tuna, almonds & walnuts, spinach & carrots, and even dark chocolate. Mayo Clinic explains that a good rule of thumb is to eat as many fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains as possible… And to avoid processed foods at all costs.

Give your Body the Shut-Eye it Needs

According to the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, insufficient sleep increases the risk of heart disease. Adults need seven to eight hours of shut-eye each night to get adequate rest, and children require nine or more hours. Getting enough sleep doesn’t just improve the health of your heart; it also improves moods, boosts energy levels, and strengthens the immune system

Maintain a Healthy Weight

According to the American Heart Association, obese and overweight people are significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who are a healthy weight. Speak to your physician to determine whether your weight is putting your heart at risk.

In addition to these helpful tips, Simplefill offers affordable and accessible prescription medication to help with heart conditions. We are proud to prescription assistance programs for uninsured and underinsured Americans. Contact us for more information about how to get free or low cost prescription medication.

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2014

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2014


The New Year is a new opportunity to enhance your health and well-being. When you pledge to stand by Simplefill’s set of New Year’s Resolutions, you’ll be on the path to a healthy and happy 2014!

Wash Your Hands

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, washing your hands is one of the most pivotal ways to avoid getting sick. Make sure the water is warm, and sing “Happy Birthday” twice through (for about 30 seconds) to ensure your hands are germ free.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

There’s a reason breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. This year, pledge to eat healthy by eating a protein-rich breakfast. Not only will it give you an energy boost to kick start the day, but it will also curb cravings and help you resist the urge to snack.

Get Moving

Take a 15 to 20 minute walk after dinner each night. This health tip will prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking and keep diabetes at bay.

Stay Hydrated

Get a water bottle that you can take on-the-go. According to the Mayo Clinic, men should consume about 3 liters of water daily, and women should set their sights on 2.2 liters. By staying hydrated, you’ll help your body carry nutrients and flush out toxins.

Strengthen Your Bones

Are you getting 200 mg of calcium per day? Whether drinking milk or taking vitamins, this is a key way to ensure your bones are staying strong.

Invest in SPF Moisturizer

Sunscreen isn’t just for the beach. Invest in a daily facial moisturizer that contains at least SPF 15. SPF moisturizers help prevent wrinkles and reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Get That Shut-Eye

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night. A good night’s rest can prevent a number of health issues, including depression, obesity, and heart problems.

Armed with these tips, you can charge into 2014 with the confidence of building a healthy, happy, and successful year. Contact us today for more information on Simplefill and our services!