Chronic Disease Series: Cirrhosis Treatment and Medication

Chronic Disease Series: Cirrhosis Treatment and Medication

If you’ve ever asked, “What is cirrhosis of the liver?” you aren’t alone. Although 31,000 lives each year are claimed by the degenerative disease, its impact is often unknown. Read on to learn more about this pervasive, chronic disease.

Cirrhosis of the liver occurs when a liver has been exposed to chronic damage. The healthy cells turn to scar tissue, and in advanced stages, the organ can no longer function. We rely on our liver to filter our bloodstream and keep it healthy and free of contaminants. It is also an essential part of our digestive system, as it produces bile that processes fats.

Often, cirrhosis isn’t evident until it has already caused considerable liver damage. The most common cirrhosis symptoms include:

  • exhaustion
  • jaundice
  • appetite loss
  • bleeding or bruising
  • weight loss

If you experience any of these indicators, you should see a doctor as quickly as possible to minimize liver damage.

Liver cirrhosis symptoms can be difficult to self-diagnose, so it’s important to be aware how your health history might increase your risk of this complication. Genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, or Wilson’s Disease cause a greater risk of cirrhosis.

Other triggers include heavy drinking, hepatitis C and B, and nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, the first two being the most common causes. Primary biliary cirrhosis, a liver disease that destroys bile ducts, will also put you at risk. Patients who suffer from any of these ailments should ensure they are closely monitored for signs of cirrhosis.

Although the disease is incurable, there are ways to slow its effects. First, it’s important to care for the root of cirrhosis. Hepatitis C treatment, alcoholism treatment, and weight loss are three common ways to minimize its impact.

Simplefill is proud to offer our patients access to affordable medication. If you suffer from cirrhosis, or one of the complications that trigger the disease, it’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible. Speak with our Advocates today to explore what options we can offer you.
