4 Healthy Skincare Habits For Aging

4 Healthy Skincare Habits For Aging

4 Healthy Skincare Habits For Aging

Your skin is one of the telling signs of unavoidable aging, however, there’s plenty that you can
do to help yourself age healthily. These four skincare habits are easy changes to make to your
daily routine that will result in healthy, glowing skin for the years to come.

Have a skincare routine:

At any age and for any gender, it’s important to incorporate skincare into your daily routine.
Simply start with a gentle facial cleanser, follow up with a moisturizer and finish with an eye
cream, you can get different products for day and night but that’s not necessary. Skincare
doesn’t have to be complex but there are a few anti-aging ingredients to keep in mind when
you’re looking for new products. Retinol, Vitamin C, Caffeine and Hyaluronic Acid can all help
prevent wrinkles and keep the skin youthful looking, so these are the ingredients you want to
see in your skincare products to help with signs of aging.

Watch your shaving technique:

Taking care while shaving your body is extremely important for aging skin, especially in the face
when skin tends to be more soft and sensitive. To avoid premature aging caused by poor
shaving technique, keep these tips in mind:

● Always start with fresh and clean shaving tools
● Lather up with warm water and shaving cream
● Shave with the grain to avoid ingrown hairs and nicks
● Finish with a post-shave product
Because a bad shaving process can cause nicks and scarring, it’s important to shave carefully
all over the body.

Use UV protection:

UV protection is so helpful when it comes to your skin staying young-looking. UV protection
applies to your whole body like your skin, eyes, and head. Your hands and neck are actually two
places that seem to age the fastest, so be sure to lather up on an SPF 30-50 every single day,
no matter how sunny it is. You can add a facial SPF to your skincare routine but don’t skip your
neck, chest, and hands.
For additional UV protection look into UV blocking clothes. You can find all types of clothing,
including hats, that will keep you shaded from the sun.

Take your prescriptions:

If you suffer from any skin conditions, such as psoriasis or any related to illnesses like kidney or
liver disease, then be sure to stay on top of your prescriptions. This may be a pill or a cream,

but whatever your doctor or dermatologist is prescribing you, it’s important to take regularly. If
you have trouble with taking your medication, here are some tips to be better with this habit and
to ensure your skin stays healthy!
