Simplefill is committed to helping Americans who are struggling to pay for the prescription medications they need to manage chronic medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders. Continue reading to learn about our Tecfidera patient assistance program, and apply today.

What Is Tecfidera?

Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate) is prescribed for long-term use by adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. It is not a cure, but it can help prevent the nerve damage that leads to relapses and disease progression.

Tecfidera comes in capsule form and is taken by mouth, with or without food, twice daily.

What Does Simplefill Provide?

Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable disease that can cause muscle weakness, lack of coordination, vision loss, pain, and fatigue. Those with a relapsing form of the disease may experience remissions for a period of time, followed by relapses during which the disease progresses. It brings a high degree of uncertainty and emotional stress into the lives of patients and their family members. Add to that the financial stress of struggling to pay for costly medications that must be taken indefinitely, and the entire family’s quality of life can suffer. 

Simplefill aims to raise public awareness of the availability of prescription assistance and to forge connections between people in need of help paying for essential medications and the sources of prescription assistance.

How Does Tecfidera Work?

In patients with multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the protective covering of the nerves, disrupting the transmission of signals between the brain and the body. Tecfidera’s exact mechanism of action is not fully understood, but it has a modulating effect on the immune system. It is classified as an Nrf2 activator and apparently works by reducing inflammation.

How to Get Tecfidera Prescription Assistance

The only prerequisite for seeking prescription assistance through Simplefill is to become a Simplefill member, by applying online or by calling 1(877)386-0206. There is only one other step after joining Simplefill that requires your active participation, and that is to engage with one of our patient advocates in a telephone interview. That interview will give us the information we need in order to identify the best Tecfidera assistance programs for us to apply for on your behalf. 

We’ll compare your profile to the full range of prescription assistance programs for Tecfidera and find the ones you are eligible for and are likely to accept you. We will fill out your applications to those programs and, upon your acceptance, we’ll take the initiative to get you enrolled. As you can see, we’ve made the process of obtaining prescription assistance as easy as possible for our members.

Moving forward, we’ll make sure that you continue to receive Tecfidera prescription assistance for as long as you need it. When changes occur in your life, such as changes to your treatment plan, your income, or your insurance status, let us know, and we will update your profile accordingly. It’ especially important to alert us to any new medications so that we can find additional prescription assistance for you.

Apply Now

Becoming a Simplefill member is the first step toward paying much less for your Tecfidera prescription. Apply with Simplefill today.