Simplefill is committed to helping Americans who are struggling to pay for the prescription medications they need to manage chronic medical conditions, such as cancer. Continue reading to learn about our Sandostatin LAR depot patient assistance program, and apply today.

What Is Sandostatin Lar Depot?

Sandostatin Lar Depot (octreotide acetate) is prescribed for the long-term treatment of the severe diarrhea associated with certain tumors, specifically metastatic carcinoid tumors and vipomas—a kind of pancreatic tumor that secretes VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide).

The drug is contained in microspheres in a suspension administered as a deep intragluteal injection every four weeks by a trained medical professional. The microspheres dissolve slowly over a four-week period.

What Does Simplefill Provide?

The severe diarrhea caused by certain tumors not only disrupts a patient’s daily activities but also can be debilitating, resulting in extreme dehydration and malnutrition. It may even require hospitalization for treatment with IV fluids and nutrients. Sandostatin LAR Depot can be effective in controlling this problem, but it must be administered every four weeks for an extended period of time, and treatments are costly. 

Simplefill believes no one should be denied the benefits of an effective medication simply because the cost is beyond their reach. That’s why we have made it our mission to raise public awareness of prescription assistance and to bridge the gap between those who need it and the programs and organizations that provide it.

How Does Sandostatin LAR Depot Work?

Sandostatin LAR Depot works in much the same way as somatostatin, a naturally occurring peptide hormone that has a regulating effect on the body’s metabolic activities. Both work by reducing excess hormone secretions, such as VIP, that cause the severe diarrhea associated with metastatic carcinoid tumors and vipomas. However, Sandostatin LAR Depot remains active in the body far longer.

How to Get Sandostatin LAR Depot Prescription Assistance

The first step on the road to prescription assistance is to become a Simplefill member by applying online or calling 1(877)386-0206. The only other thing that requires any effort on your part is to engage with a Simplefill patient advocate in a brief interview by telephone. Once you’ve done that, you can sit back and relax while we handle everything else.

We’ll use the information you provided in response to the advocate’s questions to put together your Simplefill member profile. That profile gives us the basis for matching your specific needs to the Sandostatin LAR Depot prescription assistance programs most likely to meet them. We’ll submit applications on your behalf to the programs we identify, and when you are approved, we’ll get you enrolled.

Before you know it, you’ll be getting your Sandostatin LAR Depot treatments at a cost you can afford. 

Our relationship with our members doesn’t end when they receive prescription assistance. We’ll make sure you continue to receive it. And when you let us know about any changes in your life circumstances or your treatment plan, we’ll update your profile and work to get you any additional prescription assistance you might need.

We’ll be here for you for as long as you need us.

Apply Now

Take the first step toward getting the prescription assistance you need for your Sandostatin LAR Depot treatments. Apply with Simplefill today.