Simplefill is committed to helping Americans who are struggling to pay for the prescription medications they need to manage chronic medical conditions, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. Continue reading to learn about our Otrexup patient assistance program, and apply today.

What Is Otrexup?

Otrexup (methotrexate) is a chemotherapy drug that is prescribed for people with breast cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma. It also is prescribed for the treatment of certain autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.

Otrexup comes in varying strengths in pre-filled syringes for weekly subcutaneous self-injection. 

What Does Simplefill Provide?

Otrexup offers hope to many cancer patients—something which is needed not only by patients but by their loved ones as well. But hope can be a fragile thing, especially when it hinges on the ability to maintain an uninterrupted supply of a costly medication that must be taken for an extended period of time. That can be difficult or even impossible for many who do not have prescription coverage. Fortunately, prescription assistance is available, though many who need it aren’t aware that it exists.

Simplefill aims to make a difference by raising public awareness about prescription assistance. We also bridge the gap between those who need help paying for essential medications and the programs and organizations that offer prescription assistance.

How Does Otrexup Work?

Otrexup is very similar in structure to folic acid, so it inhibits many of the enzymes that use folates. Because of this property, Otrexup interferes with DNA synthesis, and cellular repair and replication, especially in rapidly proliferating cancer cells. However, the exact way in which Otrexup works against autoimmune diseases is not yet understood.

How to Get Otrexup Prescription Assistance

At Simplefill, we don’t have customers, we have members, and we’ve done everything we can to make our process member-friendly. You can become a Simplefill member by applying online or by calling 1(877)386-0206. Within a matter of hours, you’ll be on the phone with one of our Simplefill advocates, answering some simple questions about your prescriptions, finances, and insurance status.

From that point on, the ball is in our court. 

We’ll build your Simplefill member profile using your responses to the questions posed by our patient advocate. That profile will give us a way to match your needs to the prescription assistance programs most likely to meet them. We’ll submit applications on your behalf to the programs we’ve identified and, upon acceptance, will handle your enrollment as well.

That’s just the beginning of the journey we take with each of our members. We’ll monitor your situation to make sure you continue to get your Otrexup prescription assistance. And when your life circumstances change, let us know, and we’ll update your profile to reflect them. Be sure to let us know when new medications are prescribed for you so we can find you additional prescription assistance.

Apply Now

Start the process today, and you’ll soon be getting your Otrexup prescription for less than you might have expected. Apply with Simplefill today.