At Simplefill, we help Americans who are having trouble paying for the medications they depend on to manage chronic diseases like diabetes. Learn more about Novolin patient assistance programs, and enroll with Simplefill today.
What is Novolin?
Novolin is an injectable, intermediate-acting form of insulin prescribed for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is administered through subcutaneous injection, typically once or twice daily, or via an insulin pump. Novolin begins working within two to four hours of being injected and continues to work for up to 18 hours, though its effects peak in 4 to 12 hours.
What does Simplefill Provide?
Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the pancreas is incapable of producing enough natural insulin for adequate control of blood glucose levels. To combat this, patients require regular dosing with insulin. Poor blood sugar control increases the likelihood of serious diabetic complications, such as vision loss, heart damage, stroke, kidney failure, or circulatory problems resulting in possible loss of limbs.
Insulin-dependent diabetics can suffer life-threatening consequences if insulin is unavailable.
Simplefill firmly believes that financial difficulties should never prevent a patient who needs an essential medication like Novolin from getting it. That’s why we have built our business around connecting the people who need prescription assistance with the programs that can provide it.
How Does Novolin Work?
Novolin combines human insulin, which is manufactured in the pancreas, and protamine, a protein found in fish sperm. Protamine extends the effects of injected insulin. This form of insulin is commonly referred to as NPH (neutral protamine Hagedorn) insulin.
Novolin works in the same way as natural insulin that is produced in the human body. It helps move glucose from the bloodstream into the muscle and fat cells that need it as an energy source. Novolin also signals the liver to stop producing glucose.
How to get Prescription Assistance
The first step in obtaining help paying for your Novolin prescription is to become a Simplefill member by applying online or calling us at 1(877)386-0206.
One of our trained Simplefill advocates will call you within 24 hours to gather some important information that will enable us to create your Simplefill member profile. That’s what we will use to identify the Novolin assistance programs most likely to meet your specific needs.
We’ll prepare and submit applications to those programs on your behalf. And when you’re approved, we’ll go ahead and get you enrolled so that you begin getting the prescription assistance you need as quickly as possible.
Moving forward, we’ll make sure that your Novolin prescription never lapses. And if your healthcare providers make any changes to your treatment plan, we’ll update your Simplefill profile and get you some help paying for any new medications that have been added.
Apply Now
Enroll with Simplefill today, and before you know it, you’ll be paying much less for your Novolin prescription.