Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Four Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Simplefill cares about your good health. In honor of American Heart Month, we are offering four heart health tips that are easy to integrate into your lifestyle. The best part? They’ll keep you healthy and strong.

Get Your Body Moving

Aerobic exercise, which raises your heart rate, is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. American Heart Association recommends at least at least 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week to keep your heart healthy. Regular aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming, reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 60 percent.

Embrace Heart-Healthy Eating Habits

The foods with which you fuel your body impact the health of your heart. Stay away from sugary drinks, refined grains, and processed meats, which are typically loaded with trans-fats, cholesterol, and saturated fats. Instead, reach for these heart-healthy foods: whole grains, salmon & tuna, almonds & walnuts, spinach & carrots, and even dark chocolate. Mayo Clinic explains that a good rule of thumb is to eat as many fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains as possible… And to avoid processed foods at all costs.

Give your Body the Shut-Eye it Needs

According to the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, insufficient sleep increases the risk of heart disease. Adults need seven to eight hours of shut-eye each night to get adequate rest, and children require nine or more hours. Getting enough sleep doesn’t just improve the health of your heart; it also improves moods, boosts energy levels, and strengthens the immune system

Maintain a Healthy Weight

According to the American Heart Association, obese and overweight people are significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who are a healthy weight. Speak to your physician to determine whether your weight is putting your heart at risk.

In addition to these helpful tips, Simplefill offers affordable and accessible prescription medication to help with heart conditions. We are proud to prescription assistance programs for uninsured and underinsured Americans. Contact us for more information about how to get free or low cost prescription medication.
