Chronic Disease Series: GERD & Acid Reflux

Chronic Disease Series: GERD & Acid Reflux

Virtually everyone has experienced indigestion: The broiling stomach, the acidic taste, and the discomfort are all an unwelcome, but familiar, experience. For people who suffer from chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD), it’s more than “uncomfortable” –it can be debilitating. Get the details from Simplefill:

What is gastroesophageal reflux disease?
GERD is a digestive disorder in which the contents of the stomach flow back up to the esophagus. Under normal circumstances the esophagus closes up after releasing food down into the stomach. However, with GERD, the esophagus remains open, allowing flux. On a related note, acid reflux – commonly known as heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus.

What are GERD and acid reflux symptoms?
The biggest symptom of GERD is acid reflux. Regurgitation, stomach discomfort, burping, and bad breath are other indicators.

Is there GERD treatment?
To start, patients should seek over-the-counter medication to mitigate heartburn. If you have a chronic condition, your doctor may recommend GERD medication like an acid reflux prescription. Common types of medications include:

  • Proton pump inhibitors
  • H-2-receptor blockers

Acid reflux treatment typically hinges on making lifestyle and dietary changes. Quitting smoking, sleeping slightly elevated, and eating carefully can reduce the symptoms of GERD and acid reflux.

How can I prevent GERD?
If you want to avoid GERD and acid reflux, diet changes are some of the most effective methods. Physicians urge patients to avoid:

  • Caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic beverages
  • Citrus
  • Acidic foods, like tomatoes
  • Spicy dishes

With careful attention and proactive care, you can reclaim your comfort from GERD. Don’t live with chronic pain. Apply to Simplefill to get the prescription assistance you need to take your good health back.


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