
Simplefill provides prescription advocate programs for over 1500 drugs. Apply online today, or learn more about us below.

Our Story

We know the story all too well: you or your loved one has a chronic illness. You constantly worry about how you’re going to afford prescriptions. Sometimes, you even have to grapple with the horrible question of whether you’re going to pay rent, buy groceries, keep the lights on or purchase your life-saving medication.

We want this tug-of-war to end. But how?

Simplefill was established in October of 2009 after both founders personally experienced first-hand how vital prescription assistance programs truly are. After experiencing frustrations at the bureaucracy of prescription assistance, we decided to take the reins and create a new system that allows all patients to be treated with dignity, respect, and care so they can get the medications they need to live well.

Simplefill began as a small team of dedicated advocates trying to find a solution to the high cost of brand name prescriptions. Over the years Simplefill has grown into a company that proudly serves thousands of patients each month, both insured and uninsured, with the cost of their much needed brand name medications.

What We Do

Simplefill is a program dedicated to offering efficient assistance for patients who are prescribed unaffordable medication(s). We do this by using the available programs offered through the pharmaceutical companies and foundations that offer grant funding for chronic diseases.

We tailored a proprietary system which ensures patients receive their medications and never fall through the cracks. Each patient is assigned to an advocate who monitors their medications and eligibility in the programs. Our advocates continue to provide support even after the medication is received.

Simplefill is a nationwide advocacy service that helps patients who do not have adequate financial resources and limited to no prescription coverage, receive help with their medications.

The rarity of prescription assistance programs means there’s also a rarity in the amount of personal attention and care patients receive. Our mission is to change all of that, and become not just a place to help patients get the prescriptions they need at a price they can afford, but also lend a caring ear and provide a source of comfort during stressful and frightening times.

Our advocates work directly with their patients’ doctors to obtain the correct prescription. We double and triple check prescription names, dosages, and patient information to ensure our patients will receive their much-needed medication with as little hassle as possible. Our elderly and sick patients cannot advocate for themselves, and rely on Simplefill to take care of the details while they focus on living well.

What Makes us Different

Your relationship with Simplefill doesn’t end by receiving a pack of forms to fill out on your own. Our dedicated advocates interview you to determine how we can best help you in your search for low-cost prescriptions.

As experts, we are familiar with prescription drug substitutions which could make a world of difference to your wallet as some medications are covered in prescription assistance plans while others are not.

We know the insurance industry is complicated with many barriers and bureaucracy. Many times, our patients will have multiple doctors and multiple medications. We advocate on behalf of our patients to alleviate the massive burden of understanding what type of assistance is available. We find the best way to navigate those services.

We work with your doctor directly and send necessary paperwork to your doctor’s office. Your advocate will be in contact with them every step of the way. Once you reach out to your advocate, you will hear a response within 24 hours.

If for some reason your prescription cannot be filled, we also write letters of appeal on your behalf.

We understand that underinsured or uninsured patients looking for prescription assistance are often in a tough situation and need a helping hand. This is why we offer a human touch with real people who answer the phone and provide assistance along the way. We strongly believe we have developed a simple solution to a complex problem.

Reach out to us today and let us help improve your life.